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Lead Generation Site Audit for TLB

Working with you to grow your business 💪
Your Support Summary

SEO Site Audit for TLB

@ £350 +vat

We will utilise the tried and trusted, StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller to anayse your website from a UX and lead-generation perspective. The StoryBrand is a fantastic method for creating clear and compelling website content that can drive conversions. Here is what we will cover in your audit:

1. Clear Message (Character):

  • Does the website clearly identify its target audience (the "character") and address their needs or desires?

2. Problem Identification:

  • Does the site articulate the problems the target audience faces?
  • Does it express empathy and understanding for these challenges?

3. Guide Positioning:

  • Does the business position itself as the "guide" that will help the audience overcome these problems?
  • Are there credentials, success stories, or other evidence demonstrating the business's authority as a guide?

4. Action Plan:

  • Is there a clear, easy-to-follow plan that leads the audience from their problem to the solution?
  • Is the Call to Action (CTA) clear and compelling?

5. Avoiding Failure:

  • Does the site address the potential negative outcomes of not choosing the business's solution?

6. Visualizing Success:

  • Does the website clearly paint a picture of the success that the audience will achieve using the business's product or service?

7. Transformation Depiction:

  • Does the site clearly demonstrate how its product or service will transform the customer's life or solve their problem?

8. SEO & Keywords:

  • Are the site's keywords aligning with the character's needs and desires, as well as the transformation offered by the product or service?

9. Mobile Responsiveness & Site Speed:

  • Does the site perform well on mobile?

10. Site Structure & Navigation:

  • Is the website easy to navigate, reflecting the simplicity and clarity of the guide's plan?

The Outcome

Your audit will allow you to have a clear action plan to improve your website in easy-to-follow-steps

  • Up to a 20 minute personalised website audit covering the above topics
  • Video - your audit will be provided in easily digested video format
  • Your will also receive a summarised action-plan

Following your Audit

The audit cost does not include fixing anything we spot.

But, we do have an expert team ready to help fix anything we spot. We will provide a price breakdown of anything we outline when we send your audit.

Webflow Expert Support

We also work with many businesses to offer the assistance of our Webflow Experts team to help with ongoing content updates, further Webflow design and development support and SEO work. This can be from 3-hours to as many days per month as you require.

Let's start with your website audit!

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