
Digital Marketing Glossary

May 24, 2022
x min read
Digital Marketing Glossary
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Website & Digital Marketing Glossary

Welcome to the Paddle Creative Glossary. Here you’ll find the definitions to an array of keywords related to all things websites and Webflow! So if you’re ever a bit unsure, this is the place to come. Many of our Resources and Blogs discuss these terms in detail and some are even dedicated to specific terms, so you can always find out even more information! All this terminology is key in Paddle Creatives sector and you’ll see us using it a lot - we hope this helps!


Anchor Text

The anchor text is the text which appears as the link.

A/B Testing

Comparing two different iterations of a website to discover which one performs better.

Alt Text

Alt text is written description that tells search engines what's within a picture on a website. Every image has to include an alt text, since this will improve your website's ranking on Google.



Backlinks are links from one website to a page on another web page. Think of it this way, whenever a backlink occurs it’s like receiving a vote for a website.


Branding is the process of developing a distinctive brand name and image for a service or product-based company while applying a unifying theme in all marketing and sales materials.



Content Management System - a platform to manage your website content, an example being Webflow.


Content Delivery Network is a group of geographically distributed servers that work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content since they reduce the physical distance between a user and the web host.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors to your website that take the targeted activity (book your services, buy your products, follow your social media accounts, subscribe to your blogs etc.).


CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of documents written in HTML or XML.


Domain Name

A welcoming and memorable name assigned to a certain IP address on the internet. Essentially, it is the address of a website on the internet. For instance, in, 'paddlecreative' is the domain name.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to all marketing initiatives conducted through online platforms including search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile applications.



The exchange of goods and services between consumers and businesses through the Internet.


A statistic for media posts that counts the number of public shares, likes, and comments. You can assess a post's performance using its interaction rate and quality, which may also help you refine your online marketing approach.



Figma is also a cloud-based design software making it easy for remote teams, like Paddle Creative, to work collaboratively in designing anything from websites to social graphics.



Google My Business is a tool that enables you to manage and optimise your Business Profile on Google.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an intuitive interface that allows you to 'monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results'.

Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is a free Chrome extension that allows you to test any website and how it measures up with key Google metrics, including Google Web Core Vitals.



High-fidelity wireframes ensure that your design decisions are conveyed to the team developing the final product, and that target consumers are taken into account.


A Hypertext Markup Language used to create web pages


Internal Linking

A link from one web page to another page,  picture, or document on the same website. Having  quality internal links can boost your website's SEO.



A general-purpose programming language for computers created to create applications that can operate on any computer system.



Keywords are a selection of terms related to your business and service. They allow users to locate your digital content (site or social media profiles) using search engines.



Low-fidelity wireframes are a useful tool for visualising needs and ensuring that everyone is on the same page early on. At Paddle Creative, we use

Landing Page

A landing page is a dedicated web page from your main website that has been created with a particular, clear goal in mind (promote a product, display sale, etc.)


Meta Tag

A brief passage of text outlining the information on a page. Shown in the website's code, rather than on the page itself, meta tags are used to inform search engines of the content of a webpage.


Organic Traffic

Traffic that comes to your website as a result of unpaid search results.



Pay-per-Click - a way to appear at the top of search results for your chosen keywords by paying every time a searcher clicks on your ad. The most popular PPC platform is Google Ads.

Page Slug

A slug is the component of a URL that identifies a specific page on a website in a readable format.


Quality Assurance (QA)

A method of avoiding errors or flaws in manufacturing goods, or in this instance, online services.



Ranking in SEO refers to a website's position on the results page of a search engine. The quality of links connecting to the page or the content's relevancy to the search phrase are only two examples of the more than 200 elements that affect ranking.

Responsive Website

A responsive website is one that 'responds' to the device that you read it on, whether that be mobile, tablet or desktop.


Rebranding is the process of altering an organisation's corporate image.



Search Engine Results Page - where pages appear when you perform a search on Google.


A server is a machine that links other online users from all around the world to your site.


Search Engine Optimisation - In short, this is optimising your website to appear higher in Google search results.


Secure Socket Layer creates an additional layer of safety that protects the information visitors choose to share with a website.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the process of marketing to customers via social media channels.  The most common methods are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Software as a Service - a method of delivering applications via the internet so that downloading, installing, and maintaining software is not necessary


Target Audience

A certain demographic designated as the intended audience for a message or marketing. Your target audience should be the focus of all of your marketing efforts, including your website content and social media posts.



User Experience focuses on ensuring there is a deep understanding of users, what they need, value and their abilities.


Unique Selling Point - what sets your business apart from the rest.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

The address at which a website is found. The URL is composed of your domain name and your extension (.com, .net,, .org, etc.).



Vireflow is a basic yet effective wireframing programme created by Anton Balitsky and hosted on Webflow.


Website Hosting

Hosting is an empty plot of server space waiting to store the files for your website.

Website Wireframe

A website wireframe, sometimes referred to as a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual representation of the website's skeleton architecture.

Website Sitemap

Before we get to the wireframe stage, we start with a sitemap. The sitemap allows you to easily see what pages you need to write content for, and how they all connect together.


Webflow is a software for website building and hosting. Their rapidly expanding platform allows users to design, construct, and launch responsive websites. It is the platform Paddle Creatives uses to build custom websites.

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