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What is Google Ads?

What is Google Ads?

min read
Published on
January 15, 2022


So what is Google Ads, also known as Pay-per-Click (PPC)?

Go to Google and search for ‘custom websites'. Google will present you with results, the first few search results will be Google Ads results, also known as PPC. Underneath these search results you will have what is known as ‘organic’ results (non-paid Google results). These results can be impacted by SEO, something we are experts at here at Paddle Creative.

Google Ads can be hugely costly and in our experience companies waste tens of thousands marketing this way. We have witnessed this first-hand.  However, Paddle Creative has a track record in growing companies via Google Ads and so has developed expertise in this arena stretching back over fifteen years. Welcome to Paddle Creative Digital Marketing Grow.

What Are the Benefits of Google Ads?

Google Ads is, in our opinion a fantastic tool to grow your business. A few benefits include:

  • An almost instant exposure to clients
  • Collect data that you can use in other marketing efforts
  • Ability to manage demand by increasing or decreasing ad spend in a couple of clicks
  • You can track your ROI very easily
  • You can find new markets and services you may not otherwise know about

How Do I Set Up Google Ads?

First of all you need to create an account here with Google Ads. Once you create your account, Google Ads walks you through what to do. However, here comes the first issue, in that Google is helping you, to make themselves money. If you follow the Google Ads prompts and use their 'recommended' settings, chances are you are already wasting a lot of money. Some insider knowledge and subtle tweaks to how you set up your campaigns will ensure you make the most of this platform. Of course, Paddle Creative is there to help you and we can manage it all for you.

How Do You Use Google Ads Properly?

There are literally hundreds of books on this very subject and so we will not go too deep right here. However, the most important part of getting Google Ads right is defining your target market clearly so you only target people who are relevant. The second aspect which will help you achieve this is structure of your campaigns. Combine these two elements with a reasonable budget and you can be assured you are on the right track!

You then need to ensure conversion optimisation is in place to ensure you only spend money on what actually works.

How Much Does Google Ads Cost?

With Google Ads, it is based on 'pay-per-click' basis. So you place ads on Google search results, every time someone clicks on an ad, you are charged. The amount you are charged varies greatly based on industry, keyword and competition. Another factor to consider is quality score, a metric Google uses to monitor the quality of results it serves. When going up against your competition, you could be paying less for the same keyword and click than your competitor, if you have a better Quality Score.

Each click can cost anything from a few pence, to £20 or more. Of course, the aim is to get as low a cost as possible for each click, and this is where a carefully implemented setup strategy and maintenance is required. The actual cost per month is entirely your choice, but we usually advise a minimum spend of £250 per month depending on budget and industry. We work with clients who spend over £100k per year on Google Ads, and so you can easily see you can spend as much or as little as you want. You can also throttle demand during busy periods by turning the budget down, and increase demand when quiet by turning it up. This flexibility is almost unheard of in many marketing options.

Do I Need to Manage Google Ads on an Ongoing Basis?

Without a doubt, yes! You could set up your Google Ads campaigns, press 'active' and voila. However, what you will be doing is wasting a huge proportion of your budget. Google Ads needs micro-managing to ensure effective ROI (return on investment). There are many factors to consider when managing Google Ads campaigns, from negative keywords to bidding strategies to splitting ads-groups. You can already see the ongoing effective management of Google Ads takes time and expertise to get right.

You could try and do PPC yourself, however there is a good chance it will not work and/or you will lose money. Let Paddle Creative take the strain and manage your PPC campaigns from start to finish. Although there is a cost for us to manage your campaigns, we will save you more money than you would be otherwise wasting. All you need to do is handle the increased leads that are generated.

Does Google Ads Work?

In our opinion, there is no magic bullet in growing your business. You need a multi-channel approach to ensure you target as many potential customers as possible. That said, we have helped businesses grow in to multi-million pound companies in a short-time by putting most of their money on Google Ads. In our opinion, Google Ads is quite often the most effective way to grow many businesses.


Are you interested in growing your business using Google Ads? Get in touch with our friendly team now to find out more.

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