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Content Production Guidelines

SOP - How We Do this at Paddle Creative!

Topic research

This article assumes topic research has been conducted. These are guidelines for producing content for the topic of choice.


1. Use AI to Create the Content

For LONG FORM content (3-7k+ words):

Watch this video on what to enter to Zimmwriter SEO Blog Writer tool.

For SHORT FORM content (1-2k words)

Watch this video and use the Zimmwriter Bulk Blog Writer tool.

2. Turn the AI Content into Content Gold

Get your Content

  • The content Zimmwriter produces will get automatically saved in Output folder here.
  • Find your content (which will be notepad file) and move it to a folder in the correct place on GDrive (e.g. a sub-folder within PC Blogs).

Convert the content

  • Once the content has been completed, convert the output using All Docs.
  • Simply take the notepad content, drag and drop it into the link above. It will convert it and then you can download the output.
  • On that output doc. open it and paste the contents into a new Google Docs file, saved in the correct folder in GDrive.

Manually Edit the content

  • No AI tool will produce perfect content. Once it has been generated, go through and remove the fluff, repetitive content and oftentimes inaccuracies.
  • Go through the content and edit it. This could take some time, but this is the secret sauce. The internet is going to be flooded with AI generated crap. We need to ensure we use AI to do the hard work, but we improve all content with references, fact-checking and correct grammar.
  • Once finished, ensure the content is at leat 1250 words long.

Add Links to Money Pages

  • Ensure there are links to 'money pages' of the site. For example, the money pages for Paddle Creative would be, or any of the Webflow service pages.
  • Make sure the anchor text also uses the correct keywords. Taking the example link above, this would be something like Webflow websites (or whatever sounds natural in that context).
  • Do not 'stuff' the content for SEO sake, keep it natural.

SEMrush SEO Writing Tool

Run the content through SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant tool. Ensure it is achieving a score of at least 7.5 as an SEO score and is at least 90% original (using the plagiarism tool).

Language Check

Grammarly Check

  • Once this is complete, use Grammarly to check for any grammatical errors and help the piece's tone and accuracy.
  • This can take some time, and do not apply ALL suggestions as Grammarly does get it wrong. But if you go through suggestions carefully, it will help readability and removal of AI fluff.

Submit for approval

  • Add to Monday for approval.
  • Make any suggested edits (if applicable).

3. Get the Content Live

Add images and videos

  • Throughout the text, add images and videos
  • This helps to break up text, increase user engagement, allow a place for alt-text (remember to alt-tag all images) and time spent on the page. This is all good for Google metrics and increases the POWER of the piece
  • Remember to compress any images before uploading (max 150kb per image)


A tool created by Paddle Creative to get the content live straight from Google Docs. Ccoming soon...

Bingo - get the sucker live!